Recipe of Mix vegetables Without Equal

The Recipe For Making Mix vegetables.

Mix vegetables You can make Mix vegetables using 13 ingredients in 3 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Mix vegetables

  1. Insert 3 of Potato.
  2. Mix cup of Peas1.
  3. Add of Carrots 1 cup sliced.
  4. Fill 1 of Cauliflower.
  5. Insert leaves of Fenugreek.
  6. Prepare of Tomatoes 3 chopped.
  7. Prepare 1 tsp of Zeera.
  8. Prepare of Ground spices powder.
  9. Add 1 tsp of Turmeric.
  10. Fill of Salt to taste.
  11. Fill 1 tsp of Red chilli.
  12. Fill 1 tsp of Coriander powder.
  13. Insert 2-3 of Green chillies.

Step By Step To Make Mix vegetables

  1. Cut all the vegetables.Add Zeera and tomatoes and all the spices mix well for 5-10 minutes in high flame..
  2. Add peas and carrots fry for 5 mins.add potatoes cauliflower fry in medium flame until the veggies cooked well..
  3. When the veggies cooked add fenugreek leaves and green chillies fry for 5 minutes.mix vegetables is ready to eat..

That's how to make Mix vegetables Recipe.

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