How To Make Dragon Roll Ebi Sushi Step by Step

The Recipe For Making Dragon Roll Ebi Sushi.

Dragon Roll Ebi Sushi You can make Dragon Roll Ebi Sushi using 10 ingredients in 6 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Dragon Roll Ebi Sushi

  1. Insert 2 pcs of Ebi Tempura.
  2. Fill 1 pc of avocado.
  3. Mix 1 pc of Japanese cucumber.
  4. Mix 1 pack of tobiko.
  5. Add 100 gr of white rice.
  6. Prepare 3 tbsp of mayonnaise.
  7. Fill 1 tbsp of spicy sauce.
  8. Prepare 1/2 sheet of dried nori.
  9. Add of Sushi sauce (optional).
  10. Mix of Sushinoko powder (for the rice).

Step By Step To Make Dragon Roll Ebi Sushi

  1. First, mix sushinoko powder with cooked rice. Leave it for about 5 mins..
  2. Pour the rice on the dried nori, spread it with your hands (you need to wash your hands beforehand)..
  3. Put ebi tempura, cucumber, and a little bit of tobiko on the edge of dried nori. You can start to roll the sushi and shape it..
  4. Peel half of avocado, then cut into slices. After that, put on the top of the rice. I used plastic wrap before I cut it, so it won’t be messy. You can try to roll with the bamboo mat to keep the shape..
  5. Then, you can start to cut into 6 pieces. I suggest to wash the knife after each cuts, so it won’t be sticky..
  6. Last, mix mayonnaise with spicy sauce and the rest of tobiko. Then you can decorate on the top of sushi. Yummmmmmm.

That's how to make Dragon Roll Ebi Sushi Recipe.

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