How To Cook The Spread Super Fast

The Recipe For Making The Spread.

The Spread You can make The Spread using 8 ingredients in 7 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make The Spread

  1. Mix 1 pack of Maruchan ramen.
  2. Fill 1 can of tuna.
  3. Fill 1 of small bag Doritos.
  4. Mix 1 of sausage.
  5. Fill 7 of Romaine lettuce leaves.
  6. Fill 5 tbsp of salsa.
  7. Fill 1 of beefsteak tomato.
  8. Prepare of Mayonnaise.

Step By Step To Make The Spread

  1. Crush the ramen in the package. Pour the pieces out to a bowl, take out the seasoning packet and add water to barely cover them. Cook in microwave for 3 minutes..
  2. Crush the Doritos chips in bag. (I used flamingo hot nachos flavor).
  3. Cut the tomato to small cubes and remove the liquid..
  4. Cut the sausage and lettuce to small cubes..
  5. Open the tuna can and drain the water/oil..
  6. Put all ingredients in a clean plastic bag and add salsa on top. Shake for 30 seconds..
  7. Delicious spread ready to serve. Add Mayo on top to balance with the spicy taste..

That's how to make The Spread Recipe.

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