How To Cook Pork Floss Porridge Very Simple

The Recipe For Making Pork Floss Porridge.

Pork Floss Porridge You can make Pork Floss Porridge using 5 ingredients in 1 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Pork Floss Porridge

  1. Add Half of cup ofJasmin rice.
  2. Prepare of Tofu.
  3. Add 1 of little lettuce.
  4. Add 1 of little salt.
  5. Prepare of Ginger.

Easy Way To Make Pork Floss Porridge

  1. Wash rice and add three cups of water and in.medium fire.When it start to become sticky add salt lettuce and tofu.Cook until ut reach the consistency that you want.when done scoop it in a bowl and spread pork floss on top..

That's how to make Pork Floss Porridge Recipe.

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