How To Make Chilfray Iraqi beef stew Tasty

The Recipe For Making Chilfray Iraqi beef stew.

Chilfray Iraqi beef stew You can make Chilfray Iraqi beef stew using 11 ingredients in 3 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Chilfray Iraqi beef stew

  1. Prepare Pound of Angus beef meat cubes.
  2. Fill 3 of tomatoes chopped.
  3. Mix of One onion chopped.
  4. Prepare 2 tablespoon of tomatoes paste.
  5. Add 4 tablespoon of hp sauce.
  6. Fill 1 tablespoon of Paprika and carry.
  7. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of salt and pepper.
  8. Prepare 1/4 cup of green pepper.
  9. Insert of Fried Potato chopped optional.
  10. Add of Pita bread optional.
  11. Mix 2 tablespoon of oil.

Easy Way To Make Chilfray Iraqi beef stew

  1. Start cooking the meat with slice onion with little oil for few minutes then add water boil for half hour or till the meat is Tinder.
  2. Over medium heat add the oil cook the vegetables with the tomatoes and tomatoes paste after a few minutes add the cooked meat to the vegetables add hp sauce and spices add 1/4 cup of the beef broth not too much cook for 10 minutes keep stirring.
  3. You serve it with potatoes on side or dip with bread or over rice.

That's how to make Chilfray Iraqi beef stew Recipe.

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