How To Cook Veggies & Hummus Without Equal

The Recipe For Making Veggies & Hummus.

Veggies & Hummus You can make Veggies & Hummus using 4 ingredients in 4 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Veggies & Hummus

  1. Mix 4 of Baby Carrots.
  2. Add 5 Slices of Cucumber.
  3. Insert 4 Slices of Pepper.
  4. Fill Scoop of Hummus.

Step By Step To Make Veggies & Hummus

  1. 4 Baby Carrots.
  2. 5 Slices of Cucumber.
  3. 4 Slices of Pepper.
  4. Scoop of Hummus & Enjoy!.

That's how to make Veggies & Hummus Recipe.

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