Tutorial Of Fried Eggplant w Honey Drizzle Delicious

The Recipe For Making Fried Eggplant w Honey Drizzle.

Fried Eggplant w Honey Drizzle You can make Fried Eggplant w Honey Drizzle using 9 ingredients in 5 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Fried Eggplant w Honey Drizzle

  1. Prepare of Fried Eggplant.
  2. Fill of Fritter Flour.
  3. Prepare of Water.
  4. Fill of The Dressing and Drizzle.
  5. Add of Salt / kosher salt.
  6. Mix of Paprika.
  7. Insert of Black Pepper/ White Pepper.
  8. Insert of Other herbs as you wish.
  9. Fill of Honey.

Quick Step To Make Fried Eggplant w Honey Drizzle

  1. Add and mix the flour with water(batter) and add the cut eggplants into it. Mix well until every each of it is evenly coated in the batter.
  2. Heat up the pan, add in the oil and wait over medium -high heat. Fry the coated eggplant until it turned golden brown and.
  3. Fry for about 4-5 minutes then drain on paper towels to get rid of the excess oil.
  4. Sprinkle the salt, paprika, all the required ingredients for dressings.
  5. Lastly, drizzle the honey on top of it using spoon. Just a little amount would do, don’t overly do it! Done!.

That's how to make Fried Eggplant w Honey Drizzle Recipe.

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