Recipe of Broken wheat salad Very Simple

The Recipe For Making Broken wheat salad.

Broken wheat salad You can make Broken wheat salad using 10 ingredients in 3 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Broken wheat salad

  1. Prepare 1 cup of broken wheat (cake measure cup).
  2. Mix 2 of tbspoon of cabbage chopped.
  3. Prepare 2 of tbspoon of tomato chopped.
  4. Fill 2 of tbspoon of capsicum chopped.
  5. Fill 2 of tbspoon of onion chopped.
  6. Add 1 of tspoon of green chillies chopped.
  7. Prepare 1/2 of tspoon Black pepper powder.
  8. Fill 1 of tspoon of lemon juice.
  9. Mix 1 of tspoon of salt.
  10. Insert 1 of tspoon roasted cumin powder.

Easy Way To Make Broken wheat salad

  1. Give one whistle to broken wheat in pressure cooker..
  2. Take one bowl add all chopped veggies,add broken wheat,add salt, black pepper powder,cumin powder, lemon juice, green chillies and give nice mix.
  3. Serve with soup or have as it option for helps to reduce weight and it's a complete try once.

That's how to make Broken wheat salad Recipe.

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