How To Cook Cheesy taco fiesta potatoes Very Simple

The Recipe For Making Cheesy taco fiesta potatoes.

Cheesy taco fiesta potatoes You can make Cheesy taco fiesta potatoes using 5 ingredients in 5 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Cheesy taco fiesta potatoes

  1. Add 1 lb (4 oz) of pre cut simply diced potatoes.
  2. Fill 1/2 can of nacho cheese.
  3. Mix 1 lb of taco meat.
  4. Add of Shredded Mexican blended taco cheese.
  5. Add of Optional: jalapenos,diced tomatoes,lettuce,diced onions,etc.

Easy Way To Make Cheesy taco fiesta potatoes

  1. In the 2nd picture I have provided a picture of the potatoes I used. Look in the dairy area of your store right by the tubs of butter. That's where I found these at. They are not frozen. You will have to refrigerate them before you use them. Take a 9×9 square pan spread the potatoes in the bottom of the pan. I seasoned them with salt, pepper and garlic with a little bit of butter. Stir them as the potatoes cook. About every 10 minutes stir and check on them. Cook till potatoes are fork tender..
  2. After potatoes are fork tender. Spread them out again in the bottom of the pan. This is the cheese I used for this recipe. It is so good. You are going to spread about half of this can or however much you want on top of the potatoes..
  3. Then take leftover groundbeef taco mixture and sprinkle it on top of the cheese sauce. Put it back in the oven to warm up. About 10 minutes..
  4. Then sprinkle shredded Mexican blended cheese on top of the taco meat. I would let the cheese melt and brown on top of the cheese a little. About 10 minutes or so in the oven should do it. Keep a close eye on it..
  5. After the cheese is melted and its browned and warmed through cut it into a little square piece. I top with all kinds of toppings. Lettuce, diced tomatoes, jalapenos, sour cream etc. Whatever I have on hand. I do like taco sauce drizzled over top of all the toppings. Enjoy..

That's how to make Cheesy taco fiesta potatoes Recipe.

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