Tutorial Of Caesar salad dressing Very Simple

The Recipe For Making Caesar salad dressing.

Caesar salad dressing You can make Caesar salad dressing using 11 ingredients in 4 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Caesar salad dressing

  1. Mix 2-3 bunch of Red romaine lettuce.
  2. Add 3 cloves of garlic.
  3. Add 1 TBSP of Dijon mustard.
  4. Insert 1 TBSP of white vinegar.
  5. Add 2 TBSP of mayonnaise.
  6. Fill 1/4 cup of olive oil.
  7. Mix 1/2 tsp of salt.
  8. Fill of Black pepper.
  9. Mix 2 tsp of lemon juice.
  10. Add 1 of niboshi.
  11. Prepare 2 TBSP of parmesan cheese.

Step By Step To Make Caesar salad dressing

  1. Wash red romaine lettuce. Cut into 2 inch pieces. Dry well with salad spinner..
  2. Mince garlic and niboshi. (Or use food processor and in the same food processor, add all the ingredients except the lettuce and mix them well).
  3. In a large bowl, add all the ingredients except lettuce and mix it well..
  4. Toss with lettuce and enjoy! 👍 This time we paired with salmon, rice and brussels sprouts😋.

That's how to make Caesar salad dressing Recipe.

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