The Recipe For Making Avocado 🥑 Salad 🥗.
You can make Avocado 🥑 Salad 🥗 using 6 ingredients in 2 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.
Ingredients Required To Make Avocado 🥑 Salad 🥗
- Prepare of Avocado 🥑.
- Add of Cucumber 🥒.
- Mix of Tomatoes 🍅.
- Add of Lattus.
- Fill 1 teaspoon of olive oil.
- Mix of Lemon 🍋 1teaspoon of lemon juice.
Step By Step To Make Avocado 🥑 Salad 🥗
- Get all the veggies and wash them properly.
- Cut it to your desired cuts, cut the avocado and add, garnish it up with olive oil and lemon,.. serve and enjoy 😉😋 can be eating with rice or pasta,or even taking like that..
That's how to make Avocado 🥑 Salad 🥗 Recipe.
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