Recipe of Avocado 🥑 Salad 🥗 Very Simple

The Recipe For Making Avocado 🥑 Salad 🥗.

Avocado 🥑 Salad 🥗 You can make Avocado 🥑 Salad 🥗 using 6 ingredients in 2 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Avocado 🥑 Salad 🥗

  1. Prepare of Avocado 🥑.
  2. Add of Cucumber 🥒.
  3. Mix of Tomatoes 🍅.
  4. Add of Lattus.
  5. Fill 1 teaspoon of olive oil.
  6. Mix of Lemon 🍋 1teaspoon of lemon juice.

Step By Step To Make Avocado 🥑 Salad 🥗

  1. Get all the veggies and wash them properly.
  2. Cut it to your desired cuts, cut the avocado and add, garnish it up with olive oil and lemon,.. serve and enjoy 😉😋 can be eating with rice or pasta,or even taking like that..

That's how to make Avocado 🥑 Salad 🥗 Recipe.

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