How To Make Veggie paneer sandwich Very Simple

The Recipe For Making Veggie paneer sandwich.

Veggie paneer sandwich You can make Veggie paneer sandwich using 13 ingredients in 3 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Veggie paneer sandwich

  1. Add 150 gm of paneer.
  2. Insert 2 tbsp of cucumber.
  3. Add 2 tbsp of carrot.
  4. Mix 2 tbsp of onion.
  5. Insert 2 tbsp of tomato.
  6. Add 1 tsp of mint leaves.
  7. Mix 1 tsp of Green chilli paste.
  8. Mix to taste of Salt.
  9. Prepare 1/2 tsp of Black pepper powder.
  10. Prepare 1/2 tsp of mixed herbs.
  11. Fill 2 tsp of Mint chutney.
  12. Fill 2 tbsp of butter.
  13. Mix 4 of Bread slices.

Easy Way To Make Veggie paneer sandwich

  1. Paneer is homemade so it is very soft,mash it neatly add all veggies after finely chopped..
  2. Add black pepper powder, green chilli paste,mixed herbs mint leaves,salt, mix bread slices on plate apply butter and mint chutney on slices.put paneer mixture on it.heat Pan put some butter and grill it.serve it with tomato sauce..
  3. .

That's how to make Veggie paneer sandwich Recipe.

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