Tutorial Of Beef Stew Without Equal

The Recipe For Making Beef Stew.

Beef Stew You can make Beef Stew using 21 ingredients in 8 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Beef Stew

  1. Mix 3 of Lbs. Beef.
  2. Mix 2 of Large Carrots.
  3. Insert 3 of Potatoes.
  4. Insert 3 Stalks of Celery.
  5. Mix 2 of Onions.
  6. Insert 5 Cloves of Garlic.
  7. Mix 1 Can of Whole Peeled Tomatoes.
  8. Add 1 Can of Tomato Paste.
  9. Insert 1/4 Cup of Red Wine.
  10. Fill of Worcestershire Sauce.
  11. Mix 1.5 Quarts of Beef Broth.
  12. Mix 1/4 Cup of Flour.
  13. Insert of Adobo.
  14. Prepare of Seasoned Salt.
  15. Insert of Garlic Powder.
  16. Fill of Onion Powder.
  17. Fill of Black Pepper.
  18. Fill 1 of Green Onion.
  19. Insert 3-4 of Bay Leaves.
  20. Insert of Oregano.
  21. Insert of Canola Oil.

Easy Way To Make Beef Stew

  1. Take any mass quantities of fat off of the beef..
  2. Cube the beef. Make them relatively large chunks as this is going to be a hearty stew. Season well. Add in the flour and mix throughly. Add to an oiled hot pan..
  3. Brown meat on all sides. Reserve..
  4. Give the celery and onion a rough chop. Smash and peel the garlic. (You can do this while the meat is browning) Add to the pan once the meat is done browning. Be sure you have a little oil in the pan. Season veggies and stir. Add in tomato paste. Stir constantly. Don’t let anything burn. Add in red wine and a few good shakes of Worcestershire sauce. Cook off the alcohol..
  5. Once those ingredients are incorporated, add in tomatoes with liquid from can and a pinch of dry oregano. Stir. Return beef with all of its juices into the pot. Add bay leaves..
  6. Okay, you can relax now. Add in the beef broth. Cover. Stir occasionally on low heat for about 2 hours..
  7. When it’s getting close to two hours, peel and chop your veggies. I suggest quartering the potatoes and cutting into large chunks. Halving the carrots and also chopping large. Add to pot, stir and continue simmering until tender. Stew will thicken along the way. Continue to stir periodically..
  8. Top with green onion and serve. Soup and sandwiches always go together, so there’s a suggestion..

That's how to make Beef Stew Recipe.

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