Tutorial Of Baked potato slice with cheesy and creamy sauce Tasty

The Recipe For Making Baked potato slice with cheesy and creamy sauce.

Baked potato slice with cheesy and creamy sauce You can make Baked potato slice with cheesy and creamy sauce using 9 ingredients in 4 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Baked potato slice with cheesy and creamy sauce

  1. Prepare 4 of big potatoes.
  2. Prepare of bacon slices 4.
  3. Prepare of mushroom slices your amount DESIRED.
  4. Insert 1/4 of grated butter.
  5. Add 2 spoon of olive oil.
  6. Prepare 1 spoon of oragano.
  7. Prepare 1/4 of black pepper.
  8. Prepare 1/4 of salt.
  9. Add of mozarella cheese.

Step By Step To Make Baked potato slice with cheesy and creamy sauce

  1. Sliced the potato but dont slice COMPLETEly so its still stick TOGETHER.then put olive oil on the top with,salt, black pepper, oregano. grated butter..
  2. Baked for 1hour then on every slices of potatoes, add bacon mushroom,.
  3. Then make a creamy sauce,saute butter garlic, onions,and chilli, with slice mushrooms. PREPAREd like a gravy creamy sauce and last put mozarella cheese..
  4. .

That's how to make Baked potato slice with cheesy and creamy sauce Recipe.

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