How To Make Kung Pao Shrimp Without Equal

The Recipe For Making Kung Pao Shrimp.

Kung Pao Shrimp You can make Kung Pao Shrimp using 10 ingredients in 4 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Kung Pao Shrimp

  1. Prepare 12 pcs of large shrimps.
  2. Add of Some peanut.
  3. Mix of Some cashew nut.
  4. Mix of Red and yellow capsicum.
  5. Insert 1 of egg.
  6. Prepare of Flour.
  7. Prepare of White pepper.
  8. Add 1 of little salt.
  9. Mix of Onion diced.
  10. Fill of Sauce oyster sauce, little soy, flour, water,chilli sauuce.

Quick Step To Make Kung Pao Shrimp

  1. Remove shell and intestine of shrimp. Prepare egg, flour, white pepper and a little water. Mix it well then add shrimp and marinated it for 15 mins..
  2. Heat a wok and add cooking oil, when it is hot deep fry shrimp until cooked. Remove and set aside.
  3. Fry cashew and peanut until done then set aside.
  4. Remove some oil from the wok and just add a little. Continue, saute onion until translucent then add capsicum. Add a little water when it's already half done. Add in nuts and shrimps and the sauce. Slowly mixing them well. If you want more spicy add chilli flakes. Serve.

That's how to make Kung Pao Shrimp Recipe.

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