How To Make Indomie with a Twist So Easy

The Recipe For Making Indomie with a Twist.

Indomie with a Twist You can make Indomie with a Twist using 6 ingredients in 2 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Indomie with a Twist

  1. Add 2 packs of Indomie.
  2. Fill of Brown mushroom.
  3. Fill of Enoki mushroom.
  4. Insert 1 of Lettuce.
  5. Add Slices of ham.
  6. Add of White button mushroom.

Easy Way To Make Indomie with a Twist

  1. Stir fry first all the ingredients except the indomie.Then set aside..
  2. Cook indomie according in the package.Then mix it with the ingredients.Pour the seasonings of indomie then serve.

That's how to make Indomie with a Twist Recipe.

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