How To Make Baked Ribs with Potato Very Simple

The Recipe For Making Baked Ribs with Potato.

Baked Ribs with Potato You can make Baked Ribs with Potato using 4 ingredients in 1 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Baked Ribs with Potato

  1. Mix of Ribs.
  2. Insert of Potato.
  3. Prepare of Olive oil.
  4. Prepare of Bbq sauce.

Step By Step To Make Baked Ribs with Potato

  1. Marinate ribs overnight.Peel off potato then put it on the side.Cover with foil.Bake it for 40 to 45 mins at 350c..

That's how to make Baked Ribs with Potato Recipe.

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