Recipe of Sweet potato and spinach quiche Very Simple

The Recipe For Making Sweet potato and spinach quiche.

Sweet potato and spinach quiche You can make Sweet potato and spinach quiche using 11 ingredients in 7 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Sweet potato and spinach quiche

  1. Add 1 of sweet potato.
  2. Fill 1 of large bunch or bag of fresh spinach.
  3. Fill 1 of chopped onion.
  4. Prepare 2 tablespoons of cream cheese.
  5. Add 1.75 oz. of blue cheese.
  6. Fill 1/4 cup of oat milk.
  7. Fill 2 of eggs.
  8. Add 1/4 cup of chopped walnuts.
  9. Insert of Salt to taste.
  10. Add of Pepper to taste.
  11. Mix 1/4 cup of Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Spain.

Easy Way To Make Sweet potato and spinach quiche

  1. To start, peel the sweet potato and slice it using a mandolin. Line a pie mold and brush it with Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Spain. Add the sweet potato, brush it with Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Spain and set it aside. Tip: The mandolin has a protector you can use to protect your fingers from getting cut..
  2. In a bowl, add two eggs, beat and add ¼ cup of oat milk, ¼ cup of chopped walnuts and 1.75 oz. of blue cheese. Mix together and set aside..
  3. In a pan, add two tablespoons of Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Spain, one chopped onion, salt and pepper, and sauté. Once the onion is translucent, add a bag of fresh spinach and sauté. Add two tablespoons of cream cheese and mix together. You can substitute in any of your favorite vegetables in this recipe..
  4. Add the milk and cheese to the egg mixture, mix together and pour it over the sweet potato nest..
  5. Finally, cook it in a preheated oven at 355ºF for 20 minutes, then broil it for 5 additional minutes..
  6. Let it rest for 15 minutes before taking it out of the pan to eat..
  7. Tip: the leftover sweet potato can be used to make some chips as a starter and/or appetizer. Yum!.

That's how to make Sweet potato and spinach quiche Recipe.

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