How To Cook Dosa Tasty

The Recipe For Making Dosa.

Dosa You can make Dosa using 9 ingredients in 11 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Dosa

  1. Fill of For masala.
  2. Prepare 4 of Potatoes.
  3. Mix 2 of green chillies.
  4. Mix 1 of finely chopped onions.
  5. Mix 2 tbsp of mustard oil.
  6. Add 1/2 tbsp of turmeric.
  7. Fill of For dosa.
  8. Add of Dosa batter.
  9. Add of Oil or ghee.

Easy Way To Make Dosa

  1. Take a pan, add few drops of oil to it, heat the pan on a medium high heat. You can sprinkle few drops of water and check if it is hot and ready..
  2. Stir the batter in the bowl and pour a ladle full of batter in the center of the pan..
  3. Spread it immediately evenly starting from the center in a circular way to make a thin crepe..
  4. Keep spreading it from the center making circles till you reach the edges..
  5. Add oil/ ghee/butter towards the edges. The edges will start coming off the pan slowly..
  6. When it turns golden on the base, flip it and leave for 1 min..
  7. If you like masala dosa, you can add masala to it. If you like plain dosa you don’t have to add anything..
  8. Serve plain dosa with coconut chutney..
  9. For making masala - take oil in a kadai, heat it for sometime..
  10. Add green chillies, then add onions, when onion turns pink add mashed potatoes, fry it properly till it starts turning light yellow and then add salt according to your taste and turmeric..
  11. Mix everything and keep cooking. You can also add peas or peanuts to enhance the taste of mashed potatoes..

That's how to make Dosa Recipe.

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