Tutorial Of Salad Varier with cottage cheese dip Without Equal

The Recipe For Making Salad Varier with cottage cheese dip.

Salad Varier with cottage cheese dip You can make Salad Varier with cottage cheese dip using 8 ingredients in 2 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Salad Varier with cottage cheese dip

  1. Fill 30 g of raw peeled cucumber.
  2. Insert Half of medium shredded beets.
  3. Prepare 1 of whole medium shredded carrot (opt).
  4. Fill 1 of whole small tomato.
  5. Prepare Half of tbsp of Cottage cheese.
  6. Add of Salt.
  7. Add of Black pepper.
  8. Add 1 of large clove of garlic.

Step By Step To Make Salad Varier with cottage cheese dip

  1. In a small bowl add the cheese, pinch of salt, black pepper and mix well. Next, Rub the garlic clove up and down the grater, and add the grated garlic to the small bowl and mix again..
  2. Cut the cucumber, and tomato to small pieces and add the shredded carrot and beets and serve with the dip ;).

That's how to make Salad Varier with cottage cheese dip Recipe.

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